Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Cindy’s T-Shirt Is Thiiiiiiis Dangerous!

Just when I think the Bush administration can't get any more craven, they have anti-war mom Cindy Sheehan dragged from the House chamber in cuffs for what amounted to a fashion faux pas.

I thought the lead to this post would be about Texas oilman Bush's howler regarding The Search For Alternative Fuel Sources (oh stop it, my sides are splitting already!) but having an invited guest clapped in irons in what is commonly referred to as “the peoples' house” immediately prior to the State of the Union address is actually even more outrageous than the whoppers the President spewed forth afterwards.

She wasn't packing a dirty bomb, a shoe bomb or Saddam's mysteriously missing WMDs - she was wearing a fucking t-shirt!

Do I love Cindy Sheehan? No. Like Michael Moore, I believe she lets her own strident personality interfere with her very legitimate message. Would she have been better served by not provoking the fascists running DC into a confrontation just before the SOTU address? Again, as a believer in civil discourse, I have to think she once again got in the way of her message. If nothing else, she ought to have been clever enough to keep the t-shirt covered up till the speech was in progress and she saw herself on the Jumbotron. But like any good zealot, she's running on indignation and outrage and is in short supply of crafty long-term tactics.

But there is no better snapshot (today, anyhow) of how vile, repressive and fundamentally anti-American this administration is than the image of a doughty middle-aged Gold-Star Mom being led away in cuffs from the President's annual Ode to Democracy.

Not only do the Bushies famously not do nuance, apparently irony is lost on them as well.


Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

"a doughty middle-aged Gold-Star Mom"

I think you mean dowdy. My mom always hated her married name.

8:33 AM

Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

Sheehan has become a narcisstistic leftist. These are the sort of people who wear shit-eating grins when they get arrested. "Look, Mom, I'm Che Guevarra!"

She's surrounded by professional protestors, many of whom were too young to protest ithe Vietnam War and have a romantic notion of what it must have been like.

I have no use for these dreadlock white kids. I don't care that their lives are in need of excitement. Don't get me wrong: I don't question their sincerity, and their cause is as righteous as they come, but, vegetarian or vegan, they still fall prey to their own attention-starved, carnivorous American egos.

At the very least, if you want to create a disturbance, fucking pull it off! She's allowing her self-righteousness to overcome her own intent to disrupt fuckstick's SOTU address. That's hardly in the class of the Chicago Seven.

Good post, dude.

8:54 AM

Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

Let me clarify (as well as clog your comments thread): I don't think Sheehan is one of these naive lefties who at some level I believe cherish authoritarian rule for the opportunity it provides them to engage in a little street theater. But she's surrounded by them, and she's begun to act like one of them.

9:04 AM

Blogger Heather Clisby said...

I agree - could she not wear a damn cardigan until the speech started? Cindy needs a Protester Consultant.

So, what do we think of the apology from the Capitol Police? Cindy is thinking of legal action. Will it help? No, but it'd be fun to watch and keep the issue in the news.

9:10 PM

Blogger Fang Bastardson said...

My brother, Bang Fastardson, had the following to say, and I think he makes an excellent point, kind of in between yours, Cliz, and mine. I think he's probably right:

Don't you think Cindy Sheehan accomplished exactly what she and her strategists wanted? Would it have been more compelling theatre if the camera had merely panned over her t-shirt as she listened? Would the TV producer have let that happen? No, I think they planned and executed this exactly right, milking it for the utmost media play and good visuals (handcuffs, etc.). And yes, she's shrill, but bless her heart...

11:22 PM


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