Friday, January 13, 2006

The Alito Hearings

What's there to say? Our countrymen elected a socially conservative pinhead to the Presidency. What did we expect, he was going to nominate Peter, Paul and Mary to the bench?

As right-wing dickbrains that are going to try to roll this country back to a better time that only existed on “Father Knows Best,” this Alito character seems like a nice enough chap. Cagey without being condescending, elusive without being outright evasive… the only real red flag is his “I don't remember” cant about joining some douschebag Ivy League He-Man, Woman-Haters Club back in his salad days. But who hasn't padded their resumes when big-game hunting for career-track job titles?

In the end, I feel the same way about Alito as I did about Roberts: As people whose values and legal opinions I am unalterably at odds with, they seem like awfully nice fellows.

I have an idea! Let's not lose the next Presidential election! Oh, what happier blogs we'll write then!


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