Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Mad Max: Crazy Like A Fox Again

The trailer for Mel Gibson's new dead-language opus, Apocalypto, is up, and it looks friggin' incredible!

I thought “Passion of the Christ” was a waste of the talent involved because there was no story! Seeing a guy you know is about to be killed be beaten for 2+ hours was slow torture, beautifully wrought.

But this one seems to have a plot to accompany the A-List cinematography and score. I don't know about what (there's a lot of running involved) but any plot will be better than no plot.

As crazy-ass as it sounds for Mel to do back-to-back subtitled period pieces, I think he's got another winner on his hands, although not of “Passion…” box office appeal. This preview includes a quick shot of a naked pregnant chick who you just know isn't married in the eyes of the church, which will keep the religious throngs from flocking to this flick. I'm sure some ill-informed souls will wander into screenings, expecting another Christian extravaganza, though - woe betide them!

The screen capture above is from the trailer. It flashes by in a fraction of a second, but I swear I didn't touch it.

I can't wait to see this flick. The trailer's last shot gave me goosebumps.


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