Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Mmmmm… Sacrelicious!

According to this morning's Maureen Dowd column over in the NYTimes (I'd put a link, but it would cost you an arm and a leg to read it), Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is co-sponsoring a Republican bill making it illegal to desecrate the American flag.

Ms Dowd points out, correctly, that the knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers Sen. Clinton is courting with this move aren't going to be fooled by it, not for a minute. It's not that they're necessarily smart enough to see through her; no, it's just that clinging to time-tested pre-existing ideas is the very core of their belief system. Hillary is, was and always will be a bra-burning feminazi to the 'Red-Staters.' She could hold public executions in the city square of giant negro illegal immigrants who have raped blue-eyed, blonde-haired white vestal virgins, and she wouldn't get as much as a “howdy-do” from the Flag-Burning Amendment people.

So, shame on you Hillary. You're not only being cowardly and a political whore, but stupid, too. You're pissing away valuable political capital with your increasingly disenchanted base (old hippies like me) and bringing home nothing to show for its loss but the ongoing contempt of the Epsilon-Minuses you're trying to court.

My other point, and it's an old one but I didn't have a forum then, is that you can't desecrate something that isn't sacred!

The FLAG isn't sacred. What's sacred are the ideals the flag represents. What's sacred are our freedoms, not the flag that represents them. And running up this issue to provide political traction with the NASCAR crowd has always struck me as being one of the most craven acts of legislative cowardice there is, especially for a person of conscience who knows better.

For Sen. Clinton to co-champion this cause really makes me that much less eager to have Bill Clinton back in the White House, even as First Resident.


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