Sunday, August 31, 2008

Found political comedy

You know what would be funny?

If the 24-hour news nets ended up running split-screen coverage of the Repub convention this week, with live footage of New Orleans being wiped out again running right next to the speeches and the glad-handing in Minneapolis. If a picture is worth a thousand words, these two images running side-by-side would say more than all the carefully-crafted speeches sure to be puked forth from the Republican podium put together.

Purely from a politics-as-bloodsport perspective, that would be hilarious.*

And is the first night of the GOP convention really on Monday, Labor Day? That in itself is hysterically ironic. The party of no-minimum-wage-hike, tax-cuts-for-the-rich launching its extravaganza on the one day a year set aside to honor the Sally Sobstories and Joe Lunchbuckets their policies condemn to a less-than-living-wage existence. The real irony is that the rubes won’t even see the irony.

Hold all my calls and bring on the hilarity!

* I think it’s okay to express skepticism about people who moved back to NOLA after it was wiped out last time – you build your beautiful beachfront city below sea-level and you keep being surprised when it gets drowned out during hurricane season? What the hell are you thinking about??


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