Saturday, August 09, 2008

The Olympics in China:

Bad idea, or worst idea ever? It’s only the morning after the opening ceremonies (which Dumbleyou attended because he “didn’t want to offend the Chinese people,” as if it’s the Chinese people and not the government who hold all our fucking debt) and already a crazed dissident has killed two people then leapt to his death.

Who thought giving the international spotlight and the credibility that comes with it to a repressive, totalitarian regime like China was a good goddamned idea? They don’t even have a world-class Constitution to use as toilet paper the way the Bush administration has for almost 8 years now. Are they still Communists, or do they just treat their citizens like they’re living in a Russian gulag circa 1955? I don’t know. I didn’t need to know all the ins & outs to think it was a shitty idea to hold the Olympics there.

And sweet Jesus on a Segway, have you seen their pollution? Beijing makes L.A. on a bad smog day look like Xanadu at sunrise.

But getting back to their horrific civil rights record, and why they should never have been given hosting privileges... look, I get the argument that by giving them the games, you force them to play ball in a civilized way on the international stage. But this is fucking Red China. They don’t play ball. They crack the whip. They’ve walled-off undesirable parts of the city adjacent to the Olympic compound – poverty problem solved, excellent work comrade; it’s Miller Time.

They also have an official one-child policy in the country. How many landfills in rural areas, where pre-natal gender identification isn’t available, do you suppose are filled with the newborn corpses of unwanted baby daughters? And for Bush and all his fellow anti-abortion warriors, what fate do you think befalls the wrong-sexed children-to-be of the more well-heeled Chinese? That giant sucking sound you hear isn’t American jobs going south to Mexico.

And even with all that repression, all the brutality and threats of same against potential provocateurs, day one isn’t over yet and already the first terrorist attack has occurred. Lives, including an American, have been lost. And the perpetrator? Leaped to his death. He knew what was good for him.

And if we did too, we’d have fought the Beijing selection with every weapon at our disposal, up to and including a boycott. All the gold medals in the world aren’t worth the cost of legitimizing one of the planet’s last surviving super-powered, industrialized totalitarian regimes. All the gold medals in the world aren’t worth the loss of a single life, American or otherwise, and brothers and sisters, those games are on, too.

But then I guess the danger of our debt being called in superseded all other considerations for the crafty fiscally-conservative humanitarians at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

You beat me to this, Fang. I was going to blog about the BS that is the Olympics in Beijing even before this incident. Did you hear that the U.S. cyclists who wore masks to protect their longs were censored by their own team and forced to apologize?

China gets to do what the fuck it wants. Shoot its own citizens in cold blood? Sure! Provide material support to murderous regimes in Darfur and Burma? Sure. Repopulate Tibet and other western "provinces" with Han immigrants? Sure! Bulldoze peoples' houses so that they can show the world how far they've come since the Tiananmen massacre? Sure! Limit their citizens access to the Internet (with the help of Google, of course)? Hell yeah! Profit nicely off prison labor and western consumers' bottomless desire for cheap, worthless shit? Fuck yeah!

But no ... bring any of this up and you're politicizing the precious fucking Olympics.

As if presenting a despotic, totalitarian regime as a reformed, free-enterprise loving citizen of the world isn't a political act in itself. As if the Nazis didn't once use the Olympics to gild over their own shitty regime.

I'm sorry this event happened. But I'm otherwise glad that China can't maintain absolute control over its citizenry. I hope their little totalitarian regime bursts at the seams.

It might serve as a cautionary tale to their capitalist counterparts otherwise envious of their draconian security measures.

12:18 PM

Blogger Fang Bastardson said...

Your response is better than my post and I HATE YOU!!!

12:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

USA Today: Beijing Olympics make it clear: time for a fascist dictatorship here in the USA.

2:30 PM


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