Sunday, February 24, 2008

Fuck you AGAIN Ralph Nader

Even in the realm of politics, can you imagine a more wretched, nakedly hubristic piece of shit than Ralph Nader, once again engaging in his quadrennial display of public masturbation?

No, I can’t.


Blogger Heather Clisby said...

OMIGOD. I had the same reaction but I have to say, your explosive birdies say it better than I ever could.

12:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my Gawd, I remember as a kid watching Ralph Nader on the Merv Griffin Show. Geez, makes ya miss Merv. I would sooner vote for Merv. I just may. (just getting your goat... even my kids are rooting for Obama - so no - I am still not a republican!)
-the first kath

6:24 PM

Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

Nader: Only I can stop corporate America! We're building a movement.

[sound of crickets]

Nader: We need to send a message to the powerful special interests!

[sound of crickets yawning]

12:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark dowdy,

first: (please give up on comedy)

I don't get it? What was wrong with what he said? He's right... The crickets your talking about are the American people. Until you and the people wake up and stop thinking that way, nothing WILL change.

2:13 PM

Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

Dear Anonymous,

Why must you pester me all the time? Everywhere I goes, there is Anonymous, putting words in my mouth.

I think I get Ralph's message. I campaigned for him in 2000. And I don't consider it "stealing" to run for president. The Democratic party is not entitled to left-leaning voters just because they don't suck as badly as Republicans do.

That said, Nader has shown him to be a massive egomaniac. That's why the Green Party parted ways with him.

Why must he steal votes from Cynthia McKeena?

9:33 PM


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