Tuesday, June 26, 2007

More on the Bush Legacy

Sorry about the title of this post. Punctuation error. Should read as follows…

Moron: The Bush Legacy

The Government Accountability Office just released a report condemning the Bush administration for its failures in pursuing the ‘war on terrorism.’ Setting aside for a minute the fact that you really can’t make war against a tactic – terrorism – you may wonder “goodness golly, if the Feds’ priority isn’t their much ballyhooed WAR ON TERROR after all, what are they focusing on?”

According to the same GAO report, that would be (sigh) the ‘war on drugs.’ Apparently, we spend more money making sure it’s hard for me to score weed than we do making sure the country doesn’t suffer another 9/11.

To be fair, the Bush administration inherited the stupid ‘war on drugs.’ Consider that a disclaimer in an effort to be, well, fair and balanced.

But it seems to me to make perfect sense that the Bush administration would speak loudly while arming our fighting men and women in the field with tiny sticks in the ‘war on terror.’ 9/11 made the Bush presidency. Before 9/11, Bush’s claim to fame was that he lost the popular vote to Al Gore and was installed by Republicans on the Supreme Court. He was busy fellating his miniscule base of born-againers by threatening to cut off embryonic stem cell research.

September 10, 2001, Junior Bush was an asterisk in search of a paragraph. September 12, he was a War President!

My point, which I have admittedly made before, is that 9/11 (and the bin Laden family with whom the Bush family had been in business with for decades), has been very, very good to George Walker Bush. If he didn’t have that to hang his empty 10-gallon hat on, his presidency wouldn’t have had a pot to piss in.

Thus, he has no motivation to see this ‘war’ to any kind of conclusion, and every self-interest in riding it out through his last day in office. And under-funding anti-terrorism efforts is a great way to see to it that he achieves his despicable goal.

Rotting and burning in hell is too good a fate for this cheap prick.


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