Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Worst October Surprise EVER!

So John Kerry fumbles a punchline, and that’s what the GOP is grasping at, hoping to ride to an upset election success? These guys are desperate.

It would be sad if recent history hadn’t proven that Bush’s base are absolutely dying to be duped. “Tell us a lie we can believe, Mr. President! Tell us a lie that the nightly news doesn’t expose as poppycock on a daily basis (hint: even we, your goose-stepping base, are no longer buying that we are turning Iraq into a new Garden of Eden). Tell us a lie that builds on a lie we’ve already embraced, like the one where decorated VietNam volunteer John Kerry hates America and is weak on defense. See? It doesn’t even have to be a lie that makes any common sense at all. Just tell us we look pretty and we’ll love you forever!”

And now the GOP hit machine is obligingly trying to crank out another last-minute winner, attempting to spin wispy cobwebs of bullshit into pure election gold. I guess Rush Limbaugh bitch-slapping Parkinson’s victims on his radio comedy show didn’t do the trick for them. Thank God Kerry remains as stiff a campaigner as he ever was, and we already know he hates America…

Seriously, can you believe the sheer gall of these people (Bush, Rove, et al) so blatantly misrepresenting someone’s limp (and poorly delivered!) joke and expecting their electorate to be so stupid as to eagerly lap up their counter-intuitive spin of it?

(And a special Shame On You to John McCain for jumping on the bandwagon. You used to stand for something better, sir. The “Straight Talk Express” has long since left the station.)

This election isn’t so much a referendum on the Iraq War as it is on the gullibility of Bush’s stalwart one-third of the electorate.

Are they going to be as easily led to the slaughter this year as they have for the last six? Next Tuesday will tell the tale.


Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

"This election isn’t so much a referendum on the Iraq War as it is on the gullibility of Bush’s stalwart one-third of the electorate."

Who are these people anyway? I mean, the rats are jumping ship left and right, but there's that stalwart third who stand by their man. Give 'em props for loyalty, I suppose. But in terms of conservative values, fiscal and social, Bush sucks ass.

Oh well: they love their Bush and that's that. Bush will be gone soon and they can go with him.

6:16 AM


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