Thursday, October 12, 2006

Diane Makes Mel Sweat

Caught the first round of Mel Gibson’s media Walk of Shame this morning with Diane Sawyer.

It didn’t take a police psychologist to see that Mel’s still dealing with some anger/stress issues. Wow!

Despite the fact that his lighting was way more subdued than Sawyer’s (think Vito Corleone’s parlor on a dark and stormy night), he was still all sweaty on his upper lip throughout the interview. He looked like Dick Nixon caught in the headlights.

What really jumped out was how bad he was at essaying humility, and keeping his irritation and arrogance with having to make his Walk of Shame under control. They’ll be showing this video in aberrant personality classes for decades. He has more ticks than a Chinese clock shop!

[wait for laughter to subside]

Plus, he’s still in total denial about harboring antisemitic shit. When Sawyer hit him with “in vino veritas,” he twitched, twittered and finally brayed laughter and wrote that centuries-old wisdom off as being the product of people who didn’t know what they were talking about.

Does Mel really think he knows more than the ancient Romans about drunkenness and debauchery? Where’s that fearless and searching moral inventory when you need it? How much would it have sucked to have gone into rehab to really get your life together (as opposed to, say, dodge the press for a month) and ended in ‘group’ with Mel Gibson?

Getting back to this morning’s performance, honestly, it was weird. I’ve seen him turn in more nuanced, believable performances in the “Lethal Weapon” movies. He must have handlers whose job it was to prepare him for this interview, but man, somebody dropped the ball.

Actually, I have a theory:

I’ll bet you somebody in rehab said, “Mel, you ever think about looking into some low-dose, AA-approved anti-anxiety meds?” Mel flipped out and cold-cocked him, laughed and tripped the guy when he helped him stand up then straddled him, screaming, “I don’t need pills! All I need is God you fucking shitbag!! I’m not a fucking junkie you goddamn… uh… say, where are you from, buddy?”

Anyhow, I will make sure I catch Round Two tomorrow. If she asks him about his (famously anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying) Dad, I’ll bet he cold-cocks her, and not just in my imagination.


Blogger Howard said...

Thanks for the summary. There was no way in hell I was going to watch that interview.

Of course, unlike you now I have no fuel for the making-fun-of fire.

1:03 PM

Blogger Heather Clisby said...

You guys are late to the party. Once I heard that Mel won't allow his wife to take birth control, my interest in him as a person ceased.

Also, looks like he hired Tom Cruise's sister as a publicist.

4:26 PM

Blogger Fang Bastardson said...

No, I always knew Mel was a right-wing douchebag, but I was able to compartmentalize the man from his work. I’ll probably still go see Apocalypto when it comes out. Lots of great artists (not to say that Mel is a great artist, per se, but he’s a hell of a director) have been scumbags of the first order. I was watching the interview, really, to see how Mel handled it from a PR perspective. The ship has long since sailed on his merits as a human being. I never expected I’d blog about it until I saw what a disaster he made of the interview.

So although I respect your outrage (and Howard’s contempt), I’m looking at it strictly as a pop-culture event, like Madonna adopting English accents and Malawi infants.

It’s all about What Makes Good TV. And Mel’s first interview made fascinating television.

4:44 PM

Blogger Carrie Lofty said...

I knew there was a reason I SHOULD be watching TV, but they hide in amongst new fall shows.

I have a theological question I posit to tolerant religious types when discussing Mel: if he decides to follow a break-away segment of Catholics who still do weird shit and have Mass in Latin........

doesn't that make him a Protestant?

And then I laugh, and sometimes other people join me. Sometimes not.

5:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny and true story. My parents were on a game show back in the early 60's. Each team had a celebrity. The 'other' teams celebrity was Nixon.

My Dad, the FRIENDLIEST guy in the world, offered his hand to Nixon to introduce himself and my mom. Nixon refused to shake and refused to acknowledge any of the contestants. Seems the makeup dept had a horrendous time covering Nixon's 5 o'clock shadow ( this at 12 noon) plus Nixon couldn't stop sweating. My parents felt sorry for him.

Oh yeah. The team Nixon was on lost.

9:37 PM


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