Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Good To Know: The Boy Has My Six

The other day, The Boy and I were rough-housing and he clocked my nose a good one.

I cautioned him that we had to be careful of Daddy’s nose because it’s already been broken once and I wouldn’t care to have that happen again.

I didn’t tell him all the ugly details, just that Daddy got into a fight as a kid that ended up with me in the E.R. with a broken nose. I told him in real-life, fights were not as much fun as superhero fights on TV. In real-life, when somebody hits you, it hurts, and usually, bones get broken and blood flows freely.

He indicated he understood the difference between cartoon slug-fests and the real deal, but still looked concerned. I asked him what else was on his mind.

He looked at me sadly and said, “I should have been there because I know Tae Kwon Do.”


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