Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Elvis sighting on the dining room table

This morning The Boy helped himself to the head, without waking either of us up first, for the first time. It was quite a milestone and I thought it deserved celebrating, so while he was at school, I went out and bought him the coolest thing I could find. In this case, a pantsuit-era Elvis Mr. Potato Head:

Before I gave him his reward, I explained that since it was an award for being cool, I thought of the coolest person I could think of, and that was Elvis. Once I explained to him that Elvis and Cash were friends when they were kids, Elvis’ coolness was cemented in The Boy’s mind. Then I whipped out his Mr. Potato Head and he was thrilled. He immediately began to disassemble it with a respect bordering on awe.

A little while later, The Missus had The Boy draw his own card for the birthday party they were getting set to leave for. After a few minutes, he brought back the piece, below. I thought, “Love the hair, looks like Manga Elvis.” I asked him who it was and he looked at me like I was trying to trick him. “Elvis,” he replied slowly, waiting for me to spring my dull-witted trap.

Is it just me, or does his Elvis look more like Elvis—late-60s, hip, badass Elvis even down to the atypical (for The Boy but period-correct) pastel pattern around the central figure—than the Potato Head version? Where the hell did that come from, based only on the caricature of a different-era Elvis in potato form?


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