Saturday, December 11, 2010

Episode 48: A New Hope

Daddy’s PMSing bad and the holiday blues have him in its annual grip.

It’s so bad the old fart is speaking of himself in the third person, never a good sign.

What’s worse is that it’s not in the closet anymore and my behavior has been diagnosed as emotionally abusive to everyone but The Boy (which I freely admit it is, it’s just not the kind of bomb I want dropped in the middle of my annual melt-down).

But I earned it so I’ll own it. My office is full of worthless crap I own.

The only thing I can offer in my defense—admittedly almost nothing—is that the person I am most emotionally abusive to, by like a factor of 10, is myself. I hate that about me, too.

I just need to stop feeling things for a month or so and power through till it’s next year. I don’t actually expect 2011 to be better or worse than 2010, mind you, I just want December in my rear view mirror. I told The Missus this morning, if I had a fast-forward button I could press that would take me from now till just after the new year, I’d be hitting that thing like Jim Morrison working a morphine drip.

This year The Boy is old enough to sense the disturbance in the Force, and ran the drawing, above, in to my office a few minutes ago.

The Force is stronger in that one than in his master.


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