Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Oh, the poor dear is leaving her radio show, because she wants to (and I’m not making this part up) “regain my First Amendment rights.” Hilariously, her announcement on Larry King Live is almost Sarah Palin’s retirement announcement, word for word. “I'm not retiring. I'm not quitting,” she said. “I feel energized actually, stronger and freer to say the things that I believe need to be said for people in this country.”

I’m not sure when quitting when the going got tough became a conservative value, but I can agree that this is one conservative value that is indeed good for America.

Because really, if you can’t say “nigger” a dozen times a minute on public access radio in the middle of the day in America in 2010, you might as well be exiled to a gulag in Stalin’s Russia. Just another step on the long march to Socialism on Mr. Obama’s watch.

Don’t worry about Dr. Laura, though. There’s a lot of intolerance and organized hate still out there. She’ll find her niche. One imagines post-radio career opportunities include yelling “FIRE!” in crowded movie houses, or perhaps joining the Rev. Fred Phelps’ cult to hurl homophobic epithets at the mourners at funerals of American soldiers killed in the line of duty.

In the end, fleeing her high-profile, controversial, right-wingnut gig may be the best career move Dr. Laura could have made. Look what it’s done for Sarah Palin!

Rush Limbaugh, we hope you are paying attention.


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