Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Everything keeps moving up...

These damn moving companies are fucking up my life. I didn’t understand what the first moving estimator was saying when he told us when he could guarantee to have our stuff to us in Boise. It wasn’t till the second one said the same thing that I began to grow suspicious. The third one confirmed my suspicions.

I’m screwed.

The reason being, back when I had an unclear idea of how moving companies operate, I lined up all the gizmo people—phone company, TV and internet providers—to come out on the same Monday morning between 8 and noon and get everything going at once. It was the very model of efficiency.

Now it turns out, in order to guarantee all our gizmos are actually there to be powered up by the arriving professionals, we have to be outta this place the Monday before. It’s a one-day drive to the new city and these goddamned bozos need a week.

So it turns out I took the wrong week off from work. The actual moving and frenzied house-cleaning of the old place will occur concurrently with my usual week’s workload; the vacation time off will occur the week after.

But I’m still not freaking out yet… well, okay, there was one quick moment there where human feces almost did get flung, but it passed without anything overtly scatological occurring.

How many days left? I have no freaking idea.


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