Friday, June 25, 2010

Meg Twitman

Dang it, I wanted to like her, I did! It would have been really cool to like two GOP governors in a row, even though I’ll be long gone before the office changes hands.

But I accidentally just caught a campaign commercial where (among other things that didn’t raise red flags) she’s selling “streamlining regulation.” After the mortgage crisis and the Wall St. bailout? After the continuing Gulf Coast nightmare? After all kinds of highly publicized, expensive clusterfucks whose unifying theme is the lack of responsible oversight caused by their industry’s deregulation?

Even if one still somehow believes deregulation is a good idea, it seems like a bad time to bring it up. “Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, do you have any comment on the Second Amendment?”

Oh Meg. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.


Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

I loathe Meg Whitman. She's an autocrat and a bully and, yeah, she's selling the same snake oil conservatives have always sold, facts be damned.

10:33 AM


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