Friday, November 13, 2009

A farewell to Lou Dobbs

So long, take it easy, go fuck yourself.


In case you missed it, the immigrant-bashing, not-sure-where-Obama-was-born coulda-been rocket scientist Mr. Dobbs bailed on his CNN gig at the top of his eponymous show a couple days back. I’m so happy to see him go, I’m including his entire farewell speech below without any snarky embellishments. This way you know you’re getting it straight from the horse’s ass:

My guess is this douschebag is hoping to ride the wave of xenophobia and fear-mongering he was so helpful in whipping up to political office in some backwater hellhole bastion of hard-right crazies. What state does he live in?

Was he fired? I don’t know how to work the Twitter and I don’t listen to PBS so I’m in the dark here. (Although this story from August seems to suggest he may have been shown the door after all.)

I hope he was fired. I glanced at a Hufington Post opinion piece on Dobbs’ abrupt departure from CNN and it brought up a good point. CNN is supposed to be the middle-of-the-road, straight-news outlet. Not left-wing hollering like MSNBC or the vile crud that pukes forth from Fox News. That’s why it runs on the TVs in the terminals in a lot of America’s airports. For years now, CNN had irresponsibly exposed this captive audience to the deranged ravings of a lunatic mind, with a decidedly race-baiting twist.

I’m sure he quit. He’s gonna hitch his wagon to the same group of goofballs who hold ‘tea parties’ and compare Obama to (sigh) Hitler. Fox News would be his most obvious next gig, but over there he’d just be another nut in the Hallelujah Chorus of right-wing looney-tunes. At least on CNN, he was pretty much the lone voice calling out for intolerance, suspicion and hatred of The Other. At Fox, he’d just be one more off-note in an already sour chord.

Frankly, I don’t care what his Grand Scheme is. He’s just not particularly charismatic or compelling, he’s a born middle-of-the-roader; not as loud or crazy as Rush Limbaugh or as crazy sexy as Michele Malkin. He’s just one more angry, aging white guy who’s yanked his platform out from underneath him. I think he’s just taken the first step on his long, unrewarding path to historical footnote.

CNN, this is your chance to reclaim the middle. We need at least one national news network that only aims to report the news, not make it. Do the right thing and don’t look for some other fringe crank racist to replace the one you just lost. Take it as the omen that it is.

American news consumers need an Honest Broker, now more than ever, and shedding yourself of Lou Dobbs is an excellent first step to reclaiming that mantle.


Blogger Carrie Lofty said...

You see this one?

It went up within minutes of the story hitting. The Onion is SO good.

PS -- good news on my blog :)

5:23 PM


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