Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Little penises, big guns

This shit makes me so mad I could spit teeth.

Now the right-wingnuts are coming to Obama ‘Town Halls’ armed to the teeth in the hinterland areas that allow such things to occur. The pic above is from an event yesterday in Phoenix, from the lovely state of Arizona, where dreams go to die.

And this exercise of their second amendment rights isn’t happening in a vacuum. It’s happening while these dopes are being told by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and from their pulpits that the President is a non-native-born usurper whose plans to socialize America will destroy the country. That he intends to set up Nazi-esque ‘death panels’ that will decide whether Cletus the slack-jawed yokel’s elderly or infirm relatives get to live or die.

The right-wing chattering class have got the rubes wound up so tight one of them is bound to go off at any minute, and when he does, odds are it’ll be with the weapon they’ll end up prying from his cold, dead fingers.

It’s a very small step from showing up at the President’s events armed and deciding to grab yourself a place in the history books, especially if you’re some stupid, duped, gun-toting loser who thought it was clever to bring the gun in the first place.

Considering how many Presidents have already been assassinated in this country, I think there oughtta be some legal loophole that allows cops and/or the Secret Service to remove these tiny-dicks from Presidential appearances, the same way you can’t sell guns next door to an elementary school or operate a strip club next to a day care facility.

We’re on the precipice of tragedy and no one’s doing anything but sitting back and either tsk-tsk-tsking on the left and push-poke-prodding from the right.

One bullet from one loser at one event is all it will take to turn Glenn Beck’s tears of fear for the future of America into sobs of joy at the sanctity of the God damned second Amendment in action. After all, if Obama is a Nazi, doesn’t it naturally follow that eliminating him would be the Christian, patriotic thing to do? Who wouldn’t go back in time and suffocate Hitler in his crib if they had a chance?

That’s the scenario being sold on Fox and talk radio (and some former-governor’s Facebook pages) and all they have to do is convince one lone tiny-dick in order to undo the last election and rewrite American history in the blood of another good man. I hope to God the double-oughts don’t end in the bloodbath of political and civil rights leaders that the 1960s did, but it may be the only card the GOP has left to play.

W. had unarmed protesters removed to blocks away from any event he was appearing at during his tenure; is it unreasonable to suggest that well-armed protesters be kept at least that far away from the current POTUS when he’s in public?


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