Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Chelsea knocks one out of the park

I’m on vacation, so I’ll be brief.

On Chelsea Clinton’s college tour flogging her mom’s dwindling presidential candidacy, yesterday some impertinent creep asked her about the Monica Lewinski affair, and she said, “Wow, in the 70 or so campuses I’ve visited, this is the first time anyone’s asked me that question.” Then, without equivocation, she said, “That’s none of your business.”

Nailed it! My hat’s off to you, pretty young Clinton spawn. Good job done well. Suddenly, I have respect for somebody named Clinton again.


Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

Apparently, the guy was a Clinton supporter too.

Way to ingratiate yourself to your own candidate.

5:31 PM

Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

On a totally different note, have you seen the latest Obama Girl video?


5:32 PM

Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

But if you can't get past her trampiness and her clever blue-screen gags, there's always the new McCain Girls video, "It's Raining McCain."

Not quite the same level of hotness or any other prod values for that matter.

5:38 PM

Blogger Heather Clisby said...

It was a weird question to begin with since the affair wasn't the fault of her mother's - so how could it hurt her reputation? Bill lied to all of us. Still, I thought her response didn't make sense - her Dad forced the affair to become the business of all of us, whether Chelsea likes it or not. Bastard.

3:20 PM

Blogger Fang Bastardson said...

With respect, I have to disagree with Cliz. It was the GOP muckraking machine that made Bill Clinton's extra-marital tomfoolery the business of all of us, where it should have only been the business of the principals involved, two of whom were neither Chelsea nor Hillary. And what the hell a wife's response to her husband's cheating on her has to do with her ability to be president is a complete mystery to me.

I still think Chelsea's polite "fuck you, asshole" to the questioner was note-perfect.

It also makes me think, instead of refusing to let her speak to the press, in light of her parents' recent gaffes, blunders and outright prevarications and provocations, maybe she's the only Clinton with a cool enough head (and enough class) to be allowed to talk to the press without further damaging her mother's chances at clinging to the Demo nomination.

11:53 PM

Blogger Heather Clisby said...

I disagree. I blame no one but Bill. It's like saying "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Well, guns sure make it a lot easier, don't they? Getting a blow job in the White House - a house that I pay for - was the stupidest fucking thing ever and while I agree that the issue was ultimately between he and his wife, he and his dick sure gave the GOP the gift that kept on giving.

11:25 AM


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