Tuesday, December 11, 2007

An open letter to my right-winger friend(s)

“President Huckabee?”

I mean, I like the guy, but is it really a good idea to put two self-proclaimed Evangelicals in the White House in a row? A guy who’s on the record that he believes the earth is 5,000 years old, you know, because the Bible says so. Plus now that he’s nipping at the front-runner’s heels, some of his older, stupider quotes are coming to light; today it was something about AIDS he opined in 1992.

Gaaah! I don’t like any of the options on either side. Couldn’t even vote for McCain with a clear conscience; like Guiliani, I think he’s just dying to open up a can of good ol’ American whup-ass on Iran. And of course, the more they dig on Guiliani, the more dirt comes to light, the more he looks like a never-ran. Can you imagine if Bill Clinton had given Monica Lewinski Secret Service protection? Nominate Guiliani and the swift-boating will come fast and furious. Did you see him get grilled on “Meet The Press” this weekend? (I’m sure you can find it online at msnbc.com.) He’s affected Hillary’s laughing disorder when confronted by unfriendly questions; on Meet The Press he came off like The Joker on a nitrous oxide binge. Olbermann did a pretty hilarious clip-job of all his chortling to damning questions...

And Romney never had a chance. He’s always been nothing more than an extremely-well self-financed empty Brooks Brothers tailored shirt. I don’t see the red-meat-craving base lining up to vote for a Mormon ex-governor of Taxachussetts. Just don’t see it. And his speech last week failed to hit the mark. Government requires religion?? That’s news to me, pal, but it is a position that the rulers of most of the middle-eastern shitholes currently screaming for our blood would wholeheartedly endorse.

What does the race look like to you, now that it’s coming down to crunch-time? Think Oprah is gonna help Hillary continue her slide down the polls?

Tick-tock, tick-tock... Feb. 5 is less than two months away.


Blogger Carrie Lofty said...

Huckabee? The Wayne DuMond case will be a fun one to watch become national. In any other year, these candidates would not have a chance. They each have something in their background or profile that SHOULD be offputting to conservatives, and yet they're still in the runnning. Even Thompson, who doesn't even look like he wants to be where his handlers stick him. It's bizarre.

6:32 AM

Blogger Fang Bastardson said...

And yet, if Hillary gets the nod, we could still lose.


8:09 AM

Blogger Heather Clisby said...

As long as Nader stays out of it, I can call it entertainment.

Still too early in my book but I wouldn't underestimate Huckabee. He's got more tricks up his sleeve.

12:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My coworkers and I here in Taxachusetts -- does anyone actually know that our tax load is lower than most states? -- have just started debating the candidates.

So far, we're liking Clinton, Richardson, and Obama. But we're not overjoyed with anyone. No one 'round here talks about voting for anyone with an (R) after their name, not even the independents. (We'll see what tune their singing after Fox News tells them who to vote for, though.) And we're all still disgusted by Romney's complete smarminess.

There you go, we're all undecided.

5:58 PM


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