Why We Write (or don’t, as the case may be)
I’m still here, still a bit odd if not altogether queer… I’m getting used to it.
Haven’t been posting too much of late. What with the holidays and all, not really anxious to commit my thoughts for posterity. Maybe this’ll be the year I get through the holidays without a meltdown of some sort. But until I know for sure, mum’s the word.
Got a new computer that I can’t use because all of my publications that I do for a living are still in Quark XPress (I know, I know, but it’s the application my employers have chosen to throw their money at). My new Mac is running on 10.5, and Quark, in its infinite wisdom, didn’t design their new upgrade to install onto computers running 10.5. It’s been on the way for months, but Quark failed to anticipate it just the same. I tell you, if those idiots at Quark spent half the money on R&D that they spend on security (go ahead, see if you can pilfer a copy of the damned thing!), they’d be up to Quark 11 or 12 by now instead of just 7. And an 11 or 12 that actually installs onto the latest version of the Mac operating system, for Christ’s sake.
The result being my desk looks like the bridge of the original starship Enterprise except for the absence of the cool Captain’s chair (and the multiracial bridge crew):

Meanwhile I’ve been exploring the A/V opportunities my new hardware and software affords me (since Quark has helpfully rendered our considerable investment useless for actual work). I’m already regretting I didn’t spring for the model with the 200 gigs of storage – these movie files eat up shitloads of space! Unbelievable. I’m already having to trash files as soon as I’m done messing with them.
So far, my success has been limited by my extreme technical shortcomings, and the fact that even when I do crack a manual it doesn’t make any sense to me. But I was able to figure out on my own how to do one cool thing so far. Using a multiplicity of unrelated movie-type programs, I was able to load up, extract and export a single performance from a DVD of an old “Johnny Cash Show” and upload it to YouTube. I’m picking up copy from a freelance web client tomorrow, so my A/V experimentation is probably at end for the year. But it yielded me the following, and it’s definitely a step in the right direction.
“The Johnny Cash Show,” episode 19, February 2, 1970, Neil Diamond debuts a new composition, “Brother Love’s Traveling Salvation Show.” I’ve always loved this song, and never more so than in the performance below, where Diamond’s spoken-word bit in the middle is integrated seamlessly into the body of the song, and actually draws attention to the song instead of what has since become Diamond’s signature hammy showboating.
If the good Lord’s willing and the creeks don’t rise, I’ll be back soon with happier tidings to report. In the interim, and with all the faux holiday good will I can muster, I give you a young Johnny Cash and Neil Diamond. Enjoy!
Hmmmm ... where to start here?
My friend works at Quark - I will send her the link to your post.
I can't BELIEVE that clip! This weekend at the family cabin, we played Neil Diamond's latest CD that Rick Rubin produced - holy cow! That's good stuff, couldn't get enough of it. His voice is better now than it ever was.
I love that the clip shows how big the audience is - don't think I'd seen that on the other performances.
Just the subject matter of the song alone must have left Johnny swooning!
Good luck on all the other stuff - the fake smiling and all. January is just around the corner!
3:23 PM
As someone who writes software that's supposed to work on Macs, I have to say that porting applications to respond to Apple O/S changes is nontrivial, whether it's going from 10.4 to 10.5, or supporting Apple's shift to Intel processors or to 64-bits. Try as hard as we might, we always seem to be a few months off Apple's schedule.
I don't know if that's Quark's story, too, and I know it doesn't help you. But it's not all puppy dogs and sunshine like some Apple fans think. (I write this on my Mac, which I love.)
Good luck holding it together. Be sure to have fun playing with the man cub and missus. You've got special people there.
4:36 PM
Wow, I really didn’t expect to see anyone rise to Quark’s defense. Here’s to you!
The thing is, it’s not about you code-writers vs Macs in general. In general, everything else has been smooth sailing with the new Mac OS. Every other app – older versions or brand-new releases – all loaded smooth as silk.
The thing is, in the newspaper world, Quark is notoriously slow on the uptick. They take forever between releases – or have until the last couple years – and then they caught with their pants down on this new Mac OS release. Adobe didn’t, Microsoft didn’t, none of the other industry titans did, just Quark. Good old reliable, dependable Quark.
5:23 PM
Interesting. As you describe the world, it does sound like Quark probably did miss the boat . . . again.
For the record, I'm not rising to Quark's defense, per se. It's just that Mac OS changes are so deliciously innocuous sounding, and then there's always funky that makes it more difficult than it should be.
Perhaps these feelings of comeraderie are the result of the BS work I'm doing now to port nine open source libraries so our app runs on 64-bit OS 10.5.
6:10 AM
This is awesome, thank you so much for this great video, I have been wanting to see the whole thing since the first time I saw this clip posted. This is soooooo much better than the other it's crystal clear.
12:02 AM
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