FLASH! Rock Hall of Fame Gets One Right!

Mostly Mr. Cohen draws his fans from a small pool; rock snobs, rock stars and rock critics. I, of course, fall in to that middle category…
Because The Man Cub has brought home another awful malady from Day Care (I swear to god, The Missus thinks it’s Hoof In Mouth disease, which I thought only cattle got), I don’t have the luxury of staying up all night to write a Beowulf-length paean to the subtlety of his melodies, the depth of his lyrics, or the goosebump-inducing resonance of his bass voice (he makes Johnny Cash’s low baritone sound like a soprano schoolboy’s).
I will tell you this, though. Besides being an inspiration to a generation of pop musicians and well-meaning wannabe’s, an author and a critically renowned poet, he’s a hell of a human being too. At the height of his career resurgence in the 1990s, he walked away from it all (including girlfriend Rebecca De Mornay back when she was still hot), and spent several years in a Zen monastery, living in a single room and preparing meals for the monastery’s head yogi. Here’s a terrific story/interview on that period.
I’ll also mention that I caught him on his most recent tour, in 1993, and to this day, it’s the only concert I have ever described afterwards as “sublime.” I floated out of that place on a wave of excellently composed and executed music, love and graceful good vibes. It was more than a concert, just short of a religious experience. And since his accountant took the opportunity to rob him blind while he was sequestered away at the monastery, Mr. Cohen has, in his 70s, released a couple albums in the last few years as good as anything anyone has ever recorded.
If you don’t believe me, go to iTunes and download 2001’s “Ten New Songs.” Or “Nightingale” or “The Faith” off “Dear Heather.” Or “Tower of Song.” Or Neil Diamond’s cover of his “Suzanne.” Or almost anything off “Various Positions” or “The Future.”
Wait - I promised not to wax on endlessly. Sorry. Just barely caught myself.

It’s going to be a goddamned weird affair, with (presumably) both Mr. Cohen and Madonna in the same room when they’re inducted. My guess is, she’ll come on to him like the star-fucker she is and he will rebuff her, but artistically and without hurting her feelings. Watch for A-List rockers (U2, R.E.M., Nick Cave, etc.) to duke it out over who gets to induct The Great Man. My money’s on Bono, because, well, he’s Bono. He gets things done.
This is one induction ceremony I’ll watch when VH1 televises it. Oh please, god I don’t believe in, let him perform at that event!
And to answer my Madonna question as it relates to Mr. Cohen, I would probably have to pick “Don’t Go Home With Your Hard On” from 1977’s Phil Spector-produced “Death of a Ladies’ Man.”
Here’s a clip of once-and-future Eagle Don Henley covering one of Cohen’s masterworks (seriously!), “Democracy,” from Bill Clinton’s inauguration, ca 1993. Enjoy!
This is grand news. Leonard is awe-worthy in every possible way. I'm so honored I managed to see him perform - you were there too, right?
I didn't know (or forgot) that story about his accountant. That fucker is bringing some horrible karma down.
Congrats, Mr. Cohen! Well-deserved!
12:03 PM
I'm happy for you Fang!
You know I'm not a Leonard fan, but I am a Fang Fan, so... my congratulations go to you... you sure have tried to bring me over to the Leonard Camp, I'm sorry I have failed you. I am happy you are finally getting the award Leonard and you deserve!!!!
11:49 AM
Wow, Fang. When you asked what Madonna song even remotely rocks (still wracking my brain over that one), I immediately applied the question to Cohen, and I came up with the exact answer:
"Don't go home w/your hard-on/It will only drive you insane/You can't shake it or break it with your Motown/And you can't melt it down in the rain."
Also, I think the chick w/Cohen at the Waits concert was his daughter. She looked a lot like him.
2:21 PM
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