Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Speak No Evil

Costing him only the final tattered shred of the self-promoted myth of his own imaginary ‘honor and integrity,’ the President has exercised about the last of his waning legitimate executive powers to commute the prison sentence of former White House aide-de-camp “Scooter” Libby, no doubt in the expectation that an angry (and potentially dangerous) tell-all tome, penned while languishing in a Federal white-collar-criminal prison, has been nipped in the bud.

They say this story is going to have a hard time gaining traction outside the beltway (ie: with Bush’s stalwart 30% fan base). Jesus told parables to get complicated ideas across to simple folk. Let me be Jesus for Bush’s admiring simple-folk:

Say a judge’s bailiff kneecaps the judge’s cheatin’ wife on orders from the judge. Bailiff gets caught, tried and convicted for said kneecapping, then the same judge whose orders the bailiff was executing when he did his dirty deed ‘puts aside’ the jury’s verdict, setting his hatchet man free. Damned activist judges!

Now do you get why some folks are pissed?

The new bar, as established by the eminent legal scholar, C-student Yale legacy frat-boy George W Bush is this: Perjury and obstruction of justice are only crimes if a Democrat commits them to conceal a consensual sex act, but not if a Republican uses them to obfuscate the provenance of an illegal war that has and continues to cost thousands of Americans their lives.

I’ll bet Bush houseguest Vladimir Putin goes home from Kennebunkport this week with a whole new respect for the way Bush’s democracy looks like his beloved former Soviet Union’s fascism.


Blogger Carrie Lofty said...

Apparenly Keith Olbermann is going to call for Bush & Cheney's resignations tonight on Countdown. Which should be fun. He rants well.

6:33 AM


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