Thursday, September 07, 2006

I stand corrected! (a humble mea culpa)

It turns out Wednesday’s speech (in front of a roomful of 9/11 victims’ families, the same ungrateful bastards who years earlier had pressured His Majesty into forming the 9/11 Commission he wanted nothing to do with and whose bipartisan recommendations he has subsequently ignored) was all about trying to force Congress to give him the new kind of trial rules he wants for the terrorism suspects the CIA has had sprinkled around torture chambers worldwide these last few years.

After the Supreme Court denied him the secret military tribunals he desired to try these alleged fucking bastards earlier this summer, Team Dumbleyou has decided to try to turn that sticky negative into a political positive in the run-up to the November elections. Either Congress caves, as they have reliably done for the last five years whenever Bush whispers the magic words (“nine-eleven”), and grants him the God-like rules of judicial leeway he is demanding, or his spin-meisters get to continue to paint the feckless Dems as, sigh, soft on terror.

As “Strong On Terror” is the only political pot W has left to piss in, this attempt amounts to a Hail Mary Pass for his administration. Because even Dumbleyou understands that if the Dems take either House of Congress in November, the investigations into all things Abuse of Executive Power his rubber-stamp Congress has so far successfully forestalled and denied will hit him like the wrath of God. And that couldn’t happen to a nicer despot.

I say, why wait for the judgment of history? Let’s legally label him the liar and criminal he is during his lifetime, so he can spend his last 30 years on this earth trying to rehab his Presidency like Nixon did.

I mean, every once in a while, even for the rich and well-connected, justice ought to prevail.


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