Monday, April 24, 2006

Another liberal pipe dream

I mean, seriously, what are they smoking over at the LA Times? I love that paper in general (their Calendar section in particular), but some of the editorial shit coming out of there is just damned weird.

Their latest loopy suggestion basically breaks down to: GOP Steps Up, Does Right Thing, Boots Cheney For Bob Dole

And of course the blogoshpere jumps all over the idea – it’s almost cute.

Go ahead and read them, they're pretty short. I’ll wait here.

. . .

It’s such a ludicrous concept I don’t even need to embellish my point with the “f” word. Any idiot can see that would never happen in a reality-based reality. Can you imagine ten years ago as Monicagate began to break: Democratic Party Steps Up, Does Right Thing, Boots Clinton for Wilford Brimley? Of course not, because it’s ludicrous.

You don’t take a political bullet unless there’s a smoking gun (or until there's a stained blue dress). And with a Republican stranglehold on all four corners of Washington right now, there will be no investigations to produce any such smoking guns.

Because as much or more than any recent administration, the current gang runs by pure political calculation, that calculation having only one end these days: How do we hold onto power after Bush?

The blog entreaty above (sent to me by the Missus) addresses important, sober issues of governance and it makes great sense – for Bush's presidency and for the country. The thing is though, Bush isn't about governing (obviously), but he isn't anti-government either, judging by the bureaucratic buildup during his tenure. No, Team Bush isn’t anti-government at all, its just anti-governance.

And the nat’l GOP isn’t about either Bush or governing. It’s about not letting them goddamn Commie-libs back in the seat of power they held for 40 years. After four decades of wandering in the wilderness, you can bet the GOP is gonna do whatever they have to to make sure they don’t find themselves back there again. They gave Dumbleyou 4 years – which were pretty good ones for them at first – but now that his poll numbers are tanking, they’re moving on.

Big time.

That’s why Rove getting transferred back to just running the politics end of things is last week’s real news. I know he came to DC with Dumbleyou, but ol’ Turd Blossom is crafty enough to understand that the power behind the throne doesn’t necessarily get termed-out in a democracy. As long as he can keep his peeps in power, he could conceivably remain kingmaker-in-residence in perpetuity.

Anyhow, no political party worth its salt would Do The Right Thing for the country unless it really helped their poll numbers too, and the GOP would never dump Cheney for a fellow political dead-ender like Mr. Dole no matter how much it helped their poll numbers. Too big a risk it'd backfire and become political suicide. In the end, these guys can be expected to respond conservatively. And there they are.

Welcome to the status quo. Your usual seat?


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