Wednesday, May 04, 2011

How sensitive is The Boy?

This sensitive: When I was getting him dressed this morning (yes, he can dress himself, but me doing it with him saves us about 10 minutes every weekday morning), I put a sock and shoe on his right foot, then repeated the process on his left.

After I was done, I pointed out to him that I had put them on a sock and a shoe and a sock and a shoe, when I know perfectly well he is a sock and a sock and a shoe and a shoe man. I thought we’d have a good laugh, but it really didn’t sit at all well with him.

(If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, you probably haven’t seen this classic exchange from “All In The Family,” below, which The Boy, thanks to me, has. I’m just not sure anymore he understands that it’s supposed to be a comedy.)

He stormed out of the room, and even later, just before he and The Missus left for school, I caught him walking down the hall, fists clenched except for his forefingers, which were pointed dejectedly toward the ground, ala Steve Martin and Dan Ackroyd’s Czech brothers when they have failed to score successfully (below, skip to about 6:25).

As soon as he’s got a little better grasp of language-play, I can’t wait to introduce him to M*A*S*H so I can be put to parental shame by dead-on impressions of all my childhood comedy heroes.


Anonymous The Missus said...

Oh dear. I'm going to have TWO of you in the house.

7:00 AM

Blogger Fang Bastardson said...

I'm SURE I don't know what you mean...

7:43 AM

Blogger Alan said...

I am ecstatic that the formative culture of my years is getting properly passed on to the new generation.

Well, I guess that's a bear we all gotta cross.

8:19 AM

Blogger Connie said...

you have enlightened me today...i honestly thought all that expressed angst over teeny changes in routine was only a jokey exaggeration...even though i live with someone who can go into contortions over the way i hold my toothbrush, not to mention which lights must be on or off at what times of day...i STILL didn't take this as something a person could genuinely, deeply feel from birth...and now i do :-) thanks, boys!

9:39 AM


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