Friday, August 28, 2009

“Did Ted Kennedy Go To Heaven?”

This is the kind of crazy right-wing nonsense I receive regularly as (I swear to God) a working newspaper employee. Somebody named Bill Wilson (definitely not the AA guy) is one of the worst, most regular offenders, but this particular gem came to me by way of one Tricia Erickson.

I think she sums up the inanity of her argument best when she writes, after enumerating all of Kennedy’s alleged evil deviltry and comparing it to the purity of the Holy Bible Kennedy is said to have believed in, “Did Ted believe this? If Ted believed in God, then would not his actions have matched his words and deeds?

Anyhow, I sent the headline out to a couple friends, along with the pullquote above, and one of them, DareDevil, wrote back the following. I wish I had written it, so I am posting it here first and getting his permission second:

Did Ted Kennedy Go To Heaven?

Not quite yet. 

First, there's a 70-mile farewell tour route starting with a private mass held at the family compound in Hyannis Port. Then on through Cape Cod, and on to Boston for a stop at the Massachusetts Statehouse and the John F. Kennedy Federal Building and the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum. And there's another mass in Boston with all the living ex-presidents on hand, with the current one giving the eulogy. Then, it's on to Arlington National Cemetery for burial. 

Then, Ted Kennedy will go to heaven.

R.I.P. Teddy


Anonymous TLBS said...

I was certain that Fang's answer would be that since Heaven doesn't exist, the answer is "no." Period, end of story.

1:01 AM

Blogger Fang Bastardson said...

Sorry to disappoint. I was wearing my reporter’s hat for that post, not my commentator’s fedora.

I report, you decide (whether or not heaven is a place on earth).

Besides, I directed you to my blog to read about my son’s heroism. You had to skim waaaay down the page to find the Kennedy post. Dirty pool!

6:05 AM


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