Thursday, January 15, 2009

Potty-training update: The Poppie Also Rises

Sorry, it’s all that’s been going on around here lately. At least until the big inauguration bash here next Tuesday.

Anyhow, I think The Boy has been playing us.

Not too long after his first successful pee-in-the-potty of the day this morning, he comes in and announces he wants a poppie (a Dum-Dum mini lollipop we use as part of the potty-training reward system). I say, “Well, you can’t have one of those till you go pee in the potty again.”

He says, “Okay. I gotta go pee.”

I’m skeptical to say the least, but always ready to rise to the challenge.

So we march out to his potty, drop his drawers and quicker than you can say “Jack Robinson” he is aflow. He looks up at me smiling in mid-stream and says, “Poppie?”

Seems like all we have to do is solve the day-care element of the potty training equation. And of course the poo part, too, but Rome’s sewage canals weren’t built in a day.


Blogger Heather Clisby said...

Yeah, I was talking to a friend of mine last night about potty training and he said, "Bribery is key."

9:54 AM


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