Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ba-Rocking the Vote (by absentee ballot)

Actually, I think I’m gonna walk this down to the polls on election day. After 8 years of watching helplessly from the sidelines while America (and the world) took it up the touchas from our elected officials, I want to be at Ground Zero for the regime change… I need to be there when America starts working for us again, instead of just working us over without so much as the courtesy of a reach-around.

So far, the word from the early voting states is promising, as in the following I’ve-CCed-everyone-in-my-address-book email I received from my Conservative uncle down Florida way a few days ago:
OK, it’s over as far as I’m concerned. We voted today. So PLEEEZZZE I don’t want to read another word about ‘BO’ or Big John, or Sarah or that BOOB Biden. It didn’t look good at the Polling Booth - there were more blacks than I’ve ever seen at the booth and I heard one guy say “It was slower this morning” - Oh, Oh!
Uh-oh indeed! Black people at the polling place instead of strung up on light poles? This isn’t the deep south he remembers!

Yes, this is one election day I want to experience first-hand. It’s not often I hanker to come together with anyone to be part of a community of anything, but in this case, I want to be able to say I was there, and that I fully participated in the day we began to take our country back from the flat-out scoundrels and sociopaths (and formerly-smug, racist relatives) who have dragged America’s occasionally good name through the cow patties for the better part of the last decade.

Then, and only then, will I retreat back to my richly-deserved, self-imposed social exile.


Blogger Carrie Lofty said...

We're about an hour's train ride from the epicenter of the night, Grant Park in Chicago, where Hopey will be addressing the crowd once the results are in. But do you know the logistical nightmare of taking a 4- and 6-yo on a Metra into the city and navigating them through an anticipated one million people, only to get home at 2am on a school night? Yeah, it's not going to happen. But I'll be watching the TV all night--how very American :)

Oh, and volunteering. All weekend. Cavassing. Gotta do something,

5:41 AM

Blogger Heather Clisby said...

Me too. I'm just down the block from the Denver Elections Commission and it's already getting crazy. Wheee!

Going to phone bank that day and take lots of photos.

9:31 AM


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