Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Ted Nugent; why I still love him anyhow

Check out the cover art to his new CD:

You don’t even have to hear a song titled “Bridge Over Troubled Daughters” to know that the Nuge is still in top form!


Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

Alright, Fang, I'll bite ...

The Nuge is a draft-dodging wuss masquerading as a tough guy. He had his chance to be Mr. He-Man in Nam and he chose instead to not shower for a month, shit and piss his pants on the day he went before the draft board, and thereby gain himself a deferment for being crazy. Yet, somehow, he feels morally superior to the hippies who simply burned their draft cards.

What exactly do you see in him?

His Neanderthal politics aside, he has little else to offer. He can't sing. He can't write songs. He can play guitar, but not nearly as well as some of his fans seem to think. (I've heard him called one of the best in the world. LOL. The perm'd dude at your neighborhood Guitar Center could outshred him. And his tone, as Eddie Van Halen long ago noted, is just godawful. It sounds like his poor Gibson hollow body has an adenoid problem.)

He's just Ann Coulter with a guitar and without a penis.

6:24 AM

Blogger Fang Bastardson said...

I miss your blog, too, Mark!

11:22 AM

Blogger Fang Bastardson said...

But seriously...

I like that story about how Ted dodged the draft! I didn't know that.

Why do I like Ted even though he stands for everything I oppose? "Double Live Gonzo." One of the best live rock & roll albums ever, despite Ted's shortcomings as a technician.

He's also always been flat-out crazy and quotable as hell. Today Ted's an anachronism; 230 years ago he would have been a Founding Father.

6:02 PM

Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

Anyone want to get mellow they can turn around and get the fuck out of here!

11:37 PM


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