Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Short-Bus President Soldiers On

Oh dear gawd

According to, Bush is going to try to make the wildly counter-intuitive argument today to a vet’s group that the U.S. should never have left Vietnam in order to buttress his decision to prolong the killing of American boys and girls in Iraq.

This on the same day that a single helicopter crash in Iraq has claimed 14 American servicemembers’ lives. When Lefties rhetorically ask, “Did this president learn nothing from Vietnam?” we now have to answer, “No, he did learn lessons from Vietnam – the wrong ones!”

Call me crazy, but I see Karl Rove’s pudgy, smudgy hand-prints all over this line of hooey. Rove isn’t retiring, he’s just going underground. Maybe he and 2007 Cheney have had a bunker-built-for-two constructed at some unknown location where they can plan up the end of the American Experiment over mai-tais and prerecorded tropical music.

Imagine if Bush had inherited the Vietnam War the way Nixon did, and instead of eventually bowing to political, practical and military reality, had stubbornly insisted on keeping American forces fighting. We’d have our own 30-year-war by now! And apparently, that is his design for Iraq – war without end, forever and ever amen. Praise the Lord! Johnny’s comin’ marching home in a flag-draped coffin that’s been blacked-out to the media.

Honestly, imagine that we’re still bogged down in Vietnam today, losing 100 American soldiers a week in the pursuit of a policy that has been discredited for three-plus decades now. I’ll give you a minute to picture the horror


That is the future Bush wants to leave for our children in Iraq. My son is two next month. Bush would have him dying in the Iraqi killing fields 20 years from now. It’s enough to make a man want to run for Congress — not to change policy, just to make sure that my kid doesn’t end up on the front lines of an unwinnable military clusterfuck overseas.

I just plain hate this fucking president. He won’t be satisfied till he’s snuffed out the futures of the sons and daughters of every John and Janey Sixpack who sent him to Washington in the first place.

Where the hell is the sage council and sober wisdom of ’94 Cheney when you need him??


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