Monday, March 19, 2007

Empire’s End

Happy Fourth Birthday, Operation Iraqi Infinitum!

Well, Dumbleyou is on TV right now, spinning and spinning and spinning away, trying desperately to polish his crusty turd of a misbegotten war into a bright shining diamond of democracy. What’s that? He’s not taking any questions? Oh that’s right, he’s on record with his opinion that as President, he’s not accountable for his actions to anyone but history (which, lucky for him, won’t pass its final judgment till long after he’s Texas-two-stepped off this mortal coil). He and his administration’s mouthpieces have said so many wildly stupid, ill-informed things in the last six years sometimes it’s an effort to remember which inaccurate prediction is appropriate to any given conversation about his term in office.

WMDs? Check. Greeted as liberators? Yup. Mission Accomplished? Oh, yeah baby! Other than throwing an election to which almost everybody showed up (mad props to the Iraqi citizenry on that one), we have fucked up every step of the way, most critically, beginning with turning our attention away from the clear and present danger in Afghanistan (which by all accounts, as a result of our inattention there, is slipping back into the same sorry condition we ‘liberated’ it from some four years ago) to the bogus threat of Iraq because our President a) has Daddy issues like you wouldn’t believe, and b) is a gullible, short-sighted, arrogant twit who surrounded himself from the start with creaking cronies from previous administrations who still had items to check off their old to-do lists.

9/11 made this President, and his ghastly miscalculation in Iraq is unmaking our country. Osama and Dumbleyou have put their pointy heads together and done in five years what the USSR couldn’t do in 50. They make such a great team, it’s hard to believe their families’ business ties only go back a couple generations.

On behalf of those of us who opposed this war from the first faint drumbeat echo, back in early 2002 when the White House was only beginning to roll out its sales plan, I’d just like to say “I’m sorry.”

I’m sorry for the thousands of American lives lost. I’m sorry for the tens of thousands of Iraqi lives lost. I’m sorry for taking a terminally unstable corner of the world and dropping a lit bomb in it.

And today, I feel myself especially sorry for every American through the ages who has ever spilt blood to keep the American dream alive – from the Minutemen shivering in the cold at Valley Forge, to Abe Lincoln, to my Dad who took shrapnel in WWII to all our brave lads and lasses in Korea, Vietnam and Gulf War I – as we sit on the precipice of the end of the idea that used to be America.

Great empires are rarely brought down from without, and ours will be no exception. We had a pretty good run, but barring an act of God, America’s day as the world’s sole super-power and guiding moral authority is as good as over. I hate to think what will replace us, because all I see ahead is anarchy, and it is armed to the teeth.


Blogger Carrie Lofty said...

You started opposing the war in early 2002? Slacker. I started on 9/11/01. Gotcha beat. Wanna fight about it?

7:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, Fang, I have to disagree w/you again.

The end is not nigh.

We've started wars under phony pretexts before (e.g. the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine), and we've done our fair shair of meddling with foreign governments around the world -- esp. the democratically elected ones that looked out for their people more than our corporations.

On the other hand, previous U.S. administrations were smart enough not to get mired in the Middle East.

I wish we could ship the whole pack of Necons off to Iraq. You guys think this is so important? Then, you fight.

9:22 AM

Blogger Fang Bastardson said...

Let’s not forget the Gulf of Tonkin incident, either, when we’re talking about starting bogus foreign wars. Or the no-name arch-Duke whose assassination kicked off WWI (the reason for which I never did get...).

The reason I’m less optimistic about the future is 1) I have a kid now so I’m looking at the future’s impact on him... It’s less academic now. You might say, “This time... It’s personal!” And 2) we are weaponized in the 21st Century in a way that prepares us for annihilation in the blink of an eye like at no other crisis point in the past, including the Cuban missile crisis. I’m telling you, some creepy terrorist is gonna light up a nuke on US soil, our administration will feel compelled to respond in kind – to someone, somewhere – and the shit will be on. The rogue nukes floating around the former Soviet Union scare the shit out of me. They are what they call in comic books an Annihilation-Level Threat. And that is exactly the terrorist’s stated goal. Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf” before the Holocaust and nobody listened, or at least took him seriously. Well, I take these mass-murdering assholes dead serious. When OBL says he wants to “exterminate” his enemies, he’s not just whistling “Roll Out The Flag, Boys.” And with the weapons tech extant in the world today, it’s a question of when, not if. When and where.

I try not to think about it.

But yeah, I’ll bet you $5 that 50 years from now, pundits will be bemoaning the Bush II presidency as the moment when America “jumped the shark.” (“Jump the shark” will be common usage 50 years from now, no longer the tired, 5-minutes-ago slang it is today.) Whether through direct consequences of catastrophic terror strikes or just because we looked at our President in 2007, saw ourselves and were ashamed. How, as a nation, do we recover from Bush? I just don’t see it. I think, as a nation, we’ve become the biggest assholes on the block – not necessarily the worst or the most corrupt, just the loudest and cockiest – and some new kid is gonna move in on our block and knock our socks off.

I’m not even saying it’d be bad to be a second-rate country. Nobody fucks with Canada...

10:55 AM

Blogger Fang Bastardson said...

Jst to clarify one thing - no offense to Canada! They gave us Leonard Cohen, Neil Young, Rush and William Shatner! I love that fucking country and may well end up fleeing there with my family some day.

My definition of "second-rate country" is you have socialized medicine and the world's assholes pretty much leave you alone.

I think we're ready for second-class status here at home.

11:03 AM

Blogger Heather Clisby said...

My theory has always been that if we look over our shoulders at the history of mankind, EVERY country gets a chance to rule the world. Remember the Greeks? Spain, anyone?

It's very simple, our turn is up. You don't need to look to Iraq to see why - Toyota is now the world's leading auto manufacturer and you can now buy a house in Detroit that is cheaper than a car.

So, party hard, my friend. These are the final days of the Romans! They didn't see it coming either.

5:06 PM


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