Monday, July 17, 2006

Open-Mic Amateur Night at Vladimir’s

Or as CNN put it, “The sh_t heard 'round the world.”

So the Potty-Mouth-in-Chief is at it again. How many times does That Darned Dumbleyou have to get caught talking trash on open mics – in front of a wall of cameras no less – before he learns? I hope the money-changers who decide these things pick someone less stupid to put into office next time. What’s Danny Quayle up to these days?

I also like the way Dumbleyou never stops shoveling food into his mouth the whole time he’s discussing the middle east in full-blown melt-down. ‘Sorry about the whole Armageddon thing, but my ‘taters are coolin’ off! Heh.’

Anyway, whatever Bush thinks about the middle east doesn’t mean a damn thing. Either you buy that he’s a born-again Christian, in which case he not only believes the end of the world will come in his lifetime, but he pines for it and as President, would be bliged to help bring it about. Or you think he’s a shallow frat boy opportunist who’s just along for the ride (my personal opinion). The evidence actually points to the latter theory.

Bush’s Israel policy from inauguration day to 9/11 was very clearly stated - hands off. I remember vividly, like, only days after that infamous inauguration (and I wish I could find a source for this, but impatience is always the enemy of accuracy) Team Bush issuing an official policy statement that the US was stepping out of the whole Israel/Palestinian situation altogether. (If someone can find me a source, I’d be happy to link to it.) I remember reading about the policy change, issued without any fanfare, because I remember it pissing me off. I thought it was a craven and cowardly thing to do.

But Rove, Cheney et al must have seen it was a political loser for Clinton (big time, right at the end of his term, when that bastard Arafat torpedoed negotiations at the eleventh hour), and they realized they didn’t have any political capital at the time to expend on initiatives they knew were bound to fail. So buh-bye, peace process. We’ll get back to you when it suits our own agenda.

So instead, Bush turned his sites on putting the kibosh on stem-cell research because his religious fundamentalist base needed shoring up after the squeaker in the Supreme Court. Also on the Presidential agenda: Month-long vacations of some pretty kick-ass truck-ranch brush-clearing, followed by snoozing through his Presidential Daily Briefings to gear up for the daily photo-op/sound-byte out in the driveway.

The Israel/Palestine conflict never even appeared on their radar at all till they folded it into “The War On Terror,” itself a pretext for the Iraq invasion they’d been gearing up for since Day One.

So the fact that now Bush believes it’s ‘ironic’ that Syria could wave a magic wand and make all his problems go away – excuse me, all this shit go away – really tends to support my theory that Bush is much more frat boy than Apocalyptic Revolutionary.

Did Dad’s friends get him a great gig this time, or what?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, there's a lot of things I'm angry and frustrated about with respect to this dude. But his boorish public behavior is not one of them. And I can't for the life of me figure out why the media makes such a big deal out of him uttering the word sh_t. Its the least of the cuss words. And we knew from the campaign debates and dozens of speeches that he hardly has a way with words. Anyone who is shocked that he is seriously lacking in diplomacy skills and tact has been on a desert island for the last 5 1/2 years. Clinton's indiscretions with Monica deserved a small paragraph in the back of the second section of the newspaper (rather than impeachment proceedings involving all the machinery of government). Bush's G8 mutterings were not even important enough to warrant such a paragraph...


3:49 PM


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