Monday, July 10, 2006

Dumbleyou and ‘the end of cowboy diplomacy’

Let’s be clear about this, and I’ll even try to be brief:

Bush went after Saddam because he thought it would be easy. All the inspectors on the ground were telling him Saddam was a whipped puppy. Bush, Cheney, et al went on record that they thought it would be a cake walk. They went after the weakling in their trumped up “Axis of Evil,” the way bullies do. Pick out the weakest pup of the pack and kick his ass, building a swell bully rep for yourself. Mission Accomplished, eh? Watch out for my big, swinging dick!

Leaving aside the fact that removing Saddam has been the only thing we’ve tried in Iraq that’s been easy or successful, the reason for Bush’s “policy change” is that North Korea and Iran are actually players – big, scary fuckers with the ability to do some serious ass-kicking back. And faced with a couple of actual tough guys, Bush does what pussies always do – try to talk their way out of a fight.

Don’t get me wrong – obviously I support diplomacy over Big Dick-acy, especially with nukes on the table – but giving Bush credit for statesmanlike growth when all he’s doing is being the same cowardly punk he’s always been pisses me off.

Don’t piss me off! Time magazine, I’m looking at you…


Blogger Heather Clisby said...

As always, well put, Fang. I must say, I do have fantasies of the First Monkey getting jumped by a rabid band of liberal environmentalists. They beat him into something that looks fittingly like compost. Guess I've got a subconcious desire to see the tables turned.

I don't like being smarter than my President, it makes me uncomfortable.

11:35 AM


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