Sunday, June 28, 2009

Obama and the gay community

I wish all you well-meaning activist-types would get off my man’s back and take a deep breath and engage your brains for a minute. I’m sure your hearts are in the right place, but your brains have taken a wrong turn off the 110 and are now driving down south-central L.A surface streets looking desperately for an on-ramp.

You’re offering Obama the choice between failing honorably right out of the gate with your issues (ala Bill Clinton) or actually possibly getting some other important stuff done first – stuff that affects the vast majority of Americans, not just a put-upon minority – and you’re outraged he’s choosing the good of the many over the good of the few?

Star Trek II. “The Wrath of Khan.” Watch it again. So powerful…

Everybody’s talking about how the GOP is out wandering in the wilderness, looking for a new Messiah to coalesce around. Mitt, Sarah, that guy with the Argentine mistress, nobody is pulling the grand old party back under one big politically-viable tent right now. But if Barack Obama gave the nod to gay marriages, that would draw the disparate elements of the Republican party back together like crazy glue.

And Obama knows this. The GOP shoved gays in the military at Bill Clinton early in his first term – “Peter, I’ll take ‘Gays In The Military’ to block” — and threw the whole monkey out with the apple cart. It took the mid-term elections and the GOP taking back the House to wise Clinton up and make him hunker down, and by then he had not only lost the first two years of his presidency, but he was about to embark on an affair with the fat chick who brought the pizza.

My point is, with all due respect, motherfuckers, wait your turn. I’m a pothead and we’ve been waiting for a fair shake at least as long as you have. We don’t even have the civil rights of cigarette smokers. We haven’t even had our Stonewall yet. You feel me?

Just a little more patience. If Barack gets in for a second term, that is when you will see him say, “Okay, now for the non-compulsory events,” and full civil rights will be bestowed upon you. The man wants to do it, he knows his stand on the marriage issue is bullshit (but politically viable bullshit), and he also knows he can do more good for everybody as the popular sitting president than the hippie liberal who was painted as caring more about Adam and Steve than John and Jane Q. Sixpack before being voted out after one term.


Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

I have to agree. There's an element of narcissism among gay activists, many of whom are financial secure and have health insurance.

It's also a liberal sacred cow. A lot of my Facebook friends are tripping over themselves to show everyone just how much more they care about gay rights. It has become sanctimonious, self-serving, and obnoxious.

I usually have to turn to conservatives to find those qualities.

3:21 PM


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