Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Things That Have “Trouble” Written All Over Them

I was just on the phone with the Pet Sitter about Christmas when Obi, my wife’s dog, walked in chewing on something paper. Something not ordinarily associated with being chewed.

So I lean over and I’m trying to skirt Obi’s behavior problems with the lady on the phone and as I’m dissembling I’m trying to pull out the thing that Obi’s chewing and he takes a nasty snap at me. While I’m lying to this nice woman about how sure, it won’t be any problem for you to come over without your partner. What could possibly go wrong?

Did I mention this has trouble written all over it? It’s times like this I’m glad we don’t own our own house.


Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

At least Cujo's not rabid.

Or is he?

4:38 PM

Blogger Fang Bastardson said...

I want a mulligan!

I agree with you and appreciate your input. I’m ramping up efforts to do just that. Frankly, I’m hoping he lunges for the Pet Sitter person; it will make a great argument for giving him the heave-ho and my intended victim is somebody who ought to know better.

Just the same, I plan to be on hand and prepared to jump in on virtually no notice at all. I've had to tackle him before to save friends and neighbors from attack. If he takes a chunk out of me I have another powerful argument for starting from a scratch. Even The Boy lately has taken to saying he doesn’t like the dog, and not just a couple times, so you can’t chalk it up to word gumbo like you can anything said by a three-year-old only once.

I’d never forgive myself if anything happened to The Boy because I treated this like a joke.

10:39 PM

Blogger Heather Clisby said...

There are lessons to be learned here but I'm not sure what yet. I'll keep these things in mind when the time comes to pick out my own dog. Yeesh!

11:40 AM

Blogger Fang Bastardson said...

Yes, dear old Obi is the nightmare that just keeps on giving. We forgot to sequester or restrain him when we left this a.m. - he probably had ten minutes, tops, between the time The Missus left and I returned and he had already snatched a 3/4-full bottle of water from the end-table, chewed off the cap and soaked my side of the sofa.

"Into the mud, scum queen!"
—Steve Martin, 'The Man With Two Brains'

12:08 PM


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