Sunday, July 09, 2006

Ann Coulter: Plagiarist From Hell?

I guess allegations of plagiarism in Ann Coulter’s books and columns have been burning up the blogosphere lately (I only read my friends’ blogs, and we don’t tend to break a lot of Big Scoops), but I didn’t hear about this business till just a couple minutes ago.

My only question is: Plagiarize from WHOM?? Mein Kampf? The Turner Diaries? The Necronomicon?

With ideas and opinions as nakedly repulsive as hers, the last thing I ever expected to hear was that there was someone else out there thinking the same stuff, that got it into print first for her to steal.

You’d think shit like she writes would burst into flames when exposed to sunlight, and that it wouldn’t be around to be picked up by the next generation of hate-mongers… but I guess you’d be wrong.

I’d love to know who her sources were – I’m sure Satan’s attorneys are already filing the discovery paperwork.


Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

Ha! The Necronomicon! LOL. If you wanna hear the bitch get dissed, Adam Carolla hangs up on her on his radio show. Here's the link:

Carolla is pretty much an idiot like Coulter, but it's fun to hear her treated so rudely.

Also, what's really odd is the instances of plagiarism committed by Coulter. She tends to lift brief, factual passages from numerous sources. As an English teacher, I can tell you this is common trick. You don't steal someone's else writing wholesale, but you "borrow" from numerous sources w/out proper attribution in the hopes no one will notice. It's usually the result of laziness.

So in addition to be a mean-spirited scandalizer who would say anything to increase book sales, Coulter is a lazy-ass hack.

I hope she suffers financially for this.

8:38 AM

Blogger Heather Clisby said...

God, she's heinous. May she go down in flames. Furthermore, I heap an ancient Arabian curse on her cold, empty Aryan head: May the fleas of a thousand camels infest her armpits.

8:23 AM


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