Monday, May 07, 2012

Mitt Romney’s tax dollars at work

...just down the street from our house. Unlike determining tree-height, it is apparently a tricky proposition, figuring out exactly how much ostentatious display of wealth in a recession is just the right amount.

So far, it seems, the Mormon Temple in Boise is somehow still not quite opulent enough.


Blogger Amy said...

We're getting one within 10 miles of our house here in AZ as well. Yesterday, traffic was tied up because hundreds of Mormons pulled their kids out of school so they could all go watch the giant, gold, eyesore, a.k.a. Moroni, be lifted to the top of the building. I actually felt nauseated as we drove by thinking about how many kids would be going hungry tonight, while all of those gawking Mormons snuggled in their beds, dreaming of the "spiritual" experience of witnessing the golden boy go up. I've been through a temple and after 25 years of going to that church, have yet to hear a single, rational explanation as to how the extravagance of the temples is supported or justified by any scripture. If one is so inclined to believe the Bible or The Book of Mormon, they must believe what they say about Jesus's stance on wealth, riches, excess, etc, right? Not so much.

10:21 PM

Anonymous Jeff said...

Those minarets are what they use to call the faithful to prayer, right? Outrageous!

Oh, wait. They're steeples. It's all cool then.

11:35 AM


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