Thursday, February 25, 2010

I just lost the job I hate today

It was one of them full-time/part-time jobs. Where they paid me part time but worked me full time? It made Tuesday and Wednesday of every week a horrible nightmare, and every week it took longer and longer to drive a stake through the heart of the nightmare.

But I had recently resigned myself to it. Decided it was a case of having the wisdom to know the difference between things you can change and things you can’t. I kept climbing up on my high horse and almost getting fired for it, so I had finally decided that for the weekly direct deposit that came with it, I would kiss my Tuesdays and Wednesdays goodbye. And boy, did they ever go bye-bye.

Just two weeks ago I gave the editor a pep talk along these very lines, when she had hit her personal limit with the shortcomings of the home office of this august publication.

Then today the editor calls me up, asks me if I’ve heard from the publisher. No, says I, because I hadn’t. So it’s up to her to break the bad news to me that the paper got gobbled up by its local competition and that we’re all out of jobs. I still haven’t been contacted by the publisher directly.

So now, well, we’ve got two more weeks of direct deposits left, then—who knows?

Fortunately for me, The Missus is great at chasing down job opportunities for me. And for the time being I still have my “A” job and am planning specific things I can do to make myself more integral to their operation. I have two teleconferences tomorrow especially for the doing of that.

And I’ve already begun applying for jobs I’m not qualified for, The Missus’ specialty.

But with the move out of state looming, it kind of screws me for the job market. I had really been hoping to ride out that awful paper that folded today till The Move, precisely so I wouldn’t be in this dicey situation.

But until the money crunch starts to set in, I’m just going to spend a week or two being grateful that my Tuesdays and Wednesdays won’t be actively shaving years off the end of my life. That the uncooperative, uncommunicative people on the ground in the home office (I telecommuted) are out of my life, for good and forever.

After that, I’ll be open to just about anything that brings some cash into the house that doesn’t involve removing naked pictures of me from the internet. If you or anyone you know needs a house-trained monkey-boy on a short-term basis, good with people and kids and a jack of all trades but master of none, please pass this desperate plea along to them.

I’m willing to work weekends and evenings and pretty much any time except the High Holy Days (Jan. 8 and August 16).

Thank you for your attention.


Blogger Heather Clisby said...

Being set free from obligations you hate are always a cause for celebration.

12:46 PM

Anonymous Sherlock  Best said...

Well, congratulations on losing a job! LOL :P I feel sorry for what happened to the company, though, and the employees who REALLY needed the job. It's okay to apply for jobs that are not related to your field, that only means you are not just after the job, you're also willing to learn. :) I hope you'll have a brighter future on your next job, Fang.

11:51 AM


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