Sunday, December 28, 2008

Israel, stop indiscriminately bombing Gaza!

Fuck! With the civilian death toll climbing into the hundreds and no end to the bombing campaign in sight, what makes your actions any different or more morally defensible than those you are allegedly retaliating against?

What happened to targeted assassinations? You know, take a handful of your country’s craftiest murderous thugs, slip in, kill the other side’s craftiest murderous thugs in their sleep then slip the fuck back out. Always seemed like a better idea to me than government-sanctioned and -executed terrorist attacks, which by definition is what you’re doing when you lob bombs from afar irregardless of how many “collateral” casualties you accrue along with whatever legitimate military targets you’re aiming for.

Is everybody in that part of the world just plain batshit crazy?

The United States has to join the world community in condemning these attacks and it needs to do it Right. Fucking. Now. Our knee-jerk support of Israel and every outrageous thing they do has to stop. Sometimes it takes a friend or an ally to step up and talk truth to power.

It’s long past time America grew a pair and told Israel to cool its shit or they’ll find themselves surrounded on all sides by people who want them dead and nobody over here watching their back. As long as we don’t lay down the law, we are complicit in the atrocities committed by our closest mid-east allies.


Blogger Mark Dowdy said...

You're goddamn right, Fang. Well said.

11:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

the reason for the bombing is to get the supporters of Hamas to feel like they are backing the wrong school of thought, it may not make sense to us but then again we can go to Pizza Huts w/o having to worry about some stupid little mind fuck walking in w/ a vest full of C-4 trying to do "Allah's Will"

8:36 AM


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